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A legendary order


“… those of Tyron Abbey, children of Saint Benedict, who have given me the grace to receive me in their order. Thus speaks the hero of the Roman de Renart, by evoking the then famous Perche abbey, founded in the 12th century by Saint Bernard de Ponthieu. It had under its dependence numerous establishments in France, but also in Scotland, England and Ireland.

If most of its buildings were destroyed after the Revolution, the abbey now offers visitors several centers of interest.

From its origins, the abbey remains, which has become the parish church of the town. Built in roussard sandstone, a characteristic material of the region, it retains interesting Romanesque exterior decors. Its unique nave, with an exceptional length of 64 meters, shelters a beautiful series of stalls from the end of the Middle Ages, carved with fantastic animals and grotesque figures.

At the location of the cloister and monastic buildings, you can freely visit the Abbey Estate and its themed gardens associated with the recently restored tithe barn.

Finally, attached to the church, the old college created by the Mauritian religious around 1630, which became a royal military college in 1776 is today owned by Mr. Stéphane Bern, who recently opened a museum linked to history there. of the abbey.

Practical InformationAddress : Domaine de l'Abbaye Grange aux Dîmes 18 rue de l'Abbaye 28480 Thiron-Gardais
: +33(0)2 37 49 49 49
: Contact
Website : View Website

Domain of the abbey and its thematic gardens:

open every day, all year round from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The self-guided tour of the gardens is free.


Guided tour of the abbey church:

by reservation or +33(0)2 37 49 42 50


Opening of the tithe barn:

ask about.


Abbey Church:

open every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., free visit.


Royal and Military College Museum and Garden:

6 rue de l'abbaye.

Open from May to September.

Schedules according to the period:

consult the website:


Norman Abbeys
Norman Abbeys

Abbayes de Normandie - Route historique
28, rue Raymond Aron
BP 52
76824 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex

+33 (0)2 35 12 41 60
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